Two University of Mary football players helping during move in week.

What to Bring

Laptop Recommendations:

The University of Mary does not require students to purchase personal computers at this time. The university provides computers through the residence hall computer labs, the Welder Library lab, Harold J. Miller lab, and Chesterton's computer and printer station. For some students, it may be more convenient to have a personal computer. If you decide to bring your own computer, the university provides a network connection for every student in the residence halls. Laptop users can take advantage of the University of Mary’s 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless networks located in all residence halls and common areas.  If you have a desktop computer without wireless network capabilities, you will need to purchase approximately ten feet of CAT5 or CAT6 network cable to connect to the internet in your room.

Requirements for student-owned computers connecting to the University of Mary network:

Due to problems created by personal routers and access points, they are prohibited on campus. These devices can potentially cause conflicts with the university’s wireless equipment and affect the quality of our students’ networking experience at the university.

Recommended PC Requirements: Minimum PC Requirements:
Recommended PC Requirements: 64-bit Operating System • Windows 10 or newer • MAC OS 13 (Ventura) or newer • > 8 GB of system memory • > 250 GB hard drive • Updated Antivirus Minimum PC Requirements: 64-bit Operating System • Windows 10 • MAC OS 13 (Ventura) or newer • 8 GB of system memory • 250 GB hard drive • Updated Antivirus
Recommended Web Browsers: Free Antivirus Options:
Recommended Web Browsers: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari Free Antivirus Options: Microsoft Defender, Avira, AVAST, AVG - Windows Avira, AVAST, AVG - MAC OS
Optional Recommended Items: Recommended Updates:
Optional Recommended Items: USB Memory Stick or Portable Hard Drive (MS Office 365 Online Version is available to Students) Recommended Updates: Make sure your OS (Windows or MAC), Antivirus, and other programs are fully updated and running latest versions.

What Not to Bring

Other Resources

Helpful Hints

  • Don't forget your winter hat, coat, scarf, gloves, and boots!
  • A winter survival kit with a blanket, candle and matches, power bars, and battery cables may be helpful for those with a car.
  • The University supplies a twin-size bed frame, mattress, desk, dresser, and chair.
  • Consult with your roommates ahead of time to coordinate larger items such as TVs, refrigerators, microwaves, etc. Additional items can be purchased in Bismarck if needed.
  • Make sure to write down the serial numbers of any electronic devices you may bring (TV, Laptop, etc.).

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Have Questions?

We’re here to help. Call Student Development at 701-355-8217 or email us.